
Friday, April 22, 2011

Homer: You don’t like your job, you don’t strike. You go in every day and do it really half-assed. That’s the American way.

I love the quote above, only Homer would have so much wisdom. Let's make that the quote of the day.

 So I must share my random rant of the day after going to Costco on a busy Friday night, and that is the following: Grocery store laziness. It is unbelievable how lazy we have become as a people. Case and point-shopping carts in parking lots, especially in Costco. I watched half a dozen people push a cart out to their cars, put away their grocery items, and then simply push their carts onto the grass or into an empty stall. It was people of all ages, from the elderly to teenagers. What is going on? If I tried to do that with my mom growing up, I would get my you know what walloped. Unacceptable. Now it seems it is the social norm to be lazy. You know what, if you can push a cart around Costco, getting things in BULK, the least you can do is put the cart back where it goes when it is easiest to push around. Geez. There is no excuse, I don't care if the cart return is across the freaking parking lot, you walk the dang cart to where it goes, and put it away. There isn't one of us out here that couldn't use the added exercise. So let's pay it forward and set an example to our children and everyone else that laziness won't cut it. Let's restore dignity to this country, one cart at a time. It is the first step to returning to what America was, the best, hardest working country in the world.



  1. I agree! It's common knowledge that cart's belong in the "cart return". My mom would also have kicked my trash growing up if I'd ever tried to put the cart somewhere else. People are lazy! Great post! :)

  2. You guys really did move into the right ward! I'm with you on this one, too. Glad some parents taught their kids right and that those kids aren't succumbing to society's norm.
